Signs and Symptoms of Unfit Parenting in Fathers
It is common for both parents to act out of control during difficult times. This can often result in one party being declared a “non-fit” parent and losing custody. In a custody dispute, judges always make decisions based on what is in the best interests of the child. Consequently, if a judge thinks a father is unfit, he or she may restrict his or her time with the children, limit visitation or even involuntarily terminate parental rights. Read more
A common reason a father is considered unfit is that he or she neglects a child’s basic needs. This can include failing to provide food, clothing, shelter, or medical care. It can also include exposing a child to unsafe living conditions.
Another indication a father is unfit is if he or she has drug or alcohol problems that impact their parenting abilities. This can be due to a chronic addiction or frequent episodes of abuse. Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual in nature.
Signs and Symptoms of Unfit Parenting in Fathers
Emotionally unstable fathers can be a risk to their children. This can be because of an inability to manage emotions or anger, a lack of empathy towards their children’s feelings, or consistently projecting his or her own emotional baggage onto the child. A final warning sign of an emotionally unstable unfit father is if he or she is abusive to a partner or child. This can be in the form of domestic violence or verbal abuse.